Posted Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:50 PM
ANNCR: You're tuned to W S R Z - F M Stereo, Chicago - Wrigleyville
ANNCR: Stay with us for THE MORNING REPORT with host, Stan Zimmerman
HOST: Good Morning, and welcome to the next 30 minutes talking about things
of general interest, and a few specific comments.  
HOST: Let's begin with an item sent in by Mark Burnell, noted Chicago entertainer
along with his wonderful wife, Anne.  Using a Jimmy Buffet tune, Mark composed
clever lyrics about the Chicago Cubs . . .here's what he had to say, then watch
the clever video  (not visible on W S  R Z - FM).
This debuted yesterday. I wrote the words, and recorded all the music.
My friend Tom from the Media Dept at University of Wisconsin did the video.
It's already got some radio airplay on WGN-AM.
Please help me publicize it by forwarding or posting.
Some good baseball laughs (at the expense of the Cubs)

HOST: There you have it folks, a musical expose' of Cub the team and fans;  truth revealed at last.              
HOST: We'll take a short commercial break and return to close out today's broadcast. 
ANNCR: When wanting to know what happened yesterday, get your copy of the 
Senior Sentinel, featuring yesterday's news today. Available wherever fine     
Tabloids are sold.  See your local supermarket check out soon.                        
HOST: This is Stan Zimmerman thanking you for listening to our non-earth shaking
commentary and going's-on about town.  Join us next time for more of the same
ANNCR: You're tuned to W S R Z - FM Stereo,  Chicago - Wrigleyville
BBbbbrrrzzz,  BBbbbrrrzzz, This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.
This is only a test.  Had this been an actual emergency, you would have been
directed to hide under the kitchen table.